As in many other industries, technological changes have allowed tremendous progress, and have even become unavoidable for the participants that intend to follow the growth of the sector. Preserving know-how, the history of technical programs, the memory of events and decisions, as well as their understanding, is essential.
The sector is confronted with an unequaled wave of departure on retirement, in a context of accrued worldwide competition. Preserving the competencies of senior staff to ensure the succession of the sector has become a major issue.
The Experconnect community includes more than 500 senior experts in the aeronautics, space and defense fields of R & D, engineering, design, industrialization, production, quality, testing, testing, simulation, maintenance, repair, after-sales … and in the fields of mechanics, structure, materials, electronics, embedded systems, physics, security ….
Some examples of engagements
Implement an air traffic control system in Brazil - 10 Days
Mission to recapture the civil and military air traffic control equipment market and support new teams on the ground in Brazil.
Expertise in the field of aerostructures - 50 Days
Accompany customer teams in stress analysis of aerostructure parts for the evolution of a small series device.